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  1. Spazz

    EA's Response to "Worst Company of the Year" ...
  2. Spazz

    Know what restores my faith?

    I figured we have a thread that's dedicated to bitching and hating stuff - which is all well and good - why not have one dedicated to things that restore our faith in humans/society/love/etc.? This probably won't be as wildly popular, but fuck you I'm doing it anyway. Know what restores my...
  3. Spazz

    Electronic Arts CEO John Riccitiello Steps Down Hopefully this is a step in the right direction, but to me depending on who they find as a permanent replacement it's probably going to be more of the same old story.
  4. Spazz

    Happy St. Patrick's Day!

    As one of the the resident Irish drunks, let me say that this is the one day per year you are all legally and morally allowed to be like me. Enjoy it while it lasts. Seriously though, drink responsibly (yeah right), make sure you've got a DD (pfff), and have a safe (fuck that) and fun (fuck...
  5. Spazz

    New Year's Resolutions

    Post yours. Hell, why not, right? As for me, after seriously sitting down and considering what I want to do with my life, I have decided upon the following things that I want to start/finish this year that I think I actually can do. -Begin a Calvin & Hobbes collection. I used to love...

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