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  1. CrackaLackNinja

    League Low Elo Montage

    Hey guys, I just made a low elo montage where I got clips on an account that a friend gave to me. I got the account from bronze 3 to gold 5 in the pre-season and recorded some of the games while doing so. I hope you guys like it! ^.^ Tell me what you think of it.
  2. CrackaLackNinja

    [League of Legends] When Things Go Right 2.0

    AP trist OP. Lol, I would literally 1 shot ashe and heimer with only my ult.
  3. CrackaLackNinja

    [League of Legends] When Things Go Right 2.0

    dat teamwork breh. Dem walls. Such doge. Much wow. <3 lol
  4. CrackaLackNinja

    [League of Legends] League 3 V 3 / 5 V 5 Team

    IGN: CrackaLackNinja Main Role: ADC but I can do anything. Weaknesses: I AINT GOT DOZE! Lol, no... I don't know very much about jungle as I've mostly stayed away from jungling since recently and I sometimes need to realize when a jungler is near a lane through how the enemy laners play. They'll...
  5. CrackaLackNinja

    [League of Legends] When Things Go Right 2.0

    ALMOST DIAMOND! Also, I got a penta this game. lol. Diamond 5 janna got seriously butt hurt though, both her and siver trying to accuse me of being a smurf.
  6. CrackaLackNinja

    [League of Legends] When Things Go Right 2.0

    Best Build NA
  7. CrackaLackNinja

    [League of Legends] When Things Go Right 2.0

    Got to plat 2 from plat 4 in one day. Going for diamond.
  8. CrackaLackNinja

    [League of Legends] When Things Go Right 2.0

    Got plat 3. Got reported for saying "LOL". Gg also there were 3 diamond 5s and the rest were plat 1's... >.>
  9. CrackaLackNinja

    [League of Legends] When Things Go Right 2.0

    got plat 4. Going for diamond by the end of the season :P
  10. CrackaLackNinja

    [League of Legends] When Things Go Right 2.0

  11. CrackaLackNinja

    [League of Legends] When Things Go Right 2.0

    Skipped gold 2. Got gold 1. Going for plat today.
  12. CrackaLackNinja

    [League of Legends] When Things Go Right 2.0

    Skipped gold 4 lol. Gold 3 now. Gettin dat plat!
  13. CrackaLackNinja

    [League of Legends] When Things Go Right 2.0

    Played a 4v5 where this mao didn't connect at all after raging in champ select. Still got a penta. Then played a game when we were against 3 plats. I lulz at da matchmaking systems. Got a penta here too.
  14. CrackaLackNinja

    [League of Legends] When Things Go Right 2.0

    No, the zed was able to zone me out and almost burst me 100-0 every teamfight. I got frozen mallet and it saved me but I had to back after dealing with just him every teamfight. I finally sold the frozen mallet and just got my BotRK and I was able to stay in the fight the whole time with the...
  15. CrackaLackNinja

    [League of Legends] When Things Go Right 2.0

    Another hour long game. Damn that was intense. This zed almost fucked our game over!
  16. CrackaLackNinja

    [League of Legends] When Things Go Right 2.0

  17. CrackaLackNinja

    [League of Legends] When Things Go Right 2.0

    I COMPLETELY skipped over silver 2. LOL I went from silver 3 straight to silver 1. This game. lol :P
  18. CrackaLackNinja

    [League of Legends] Save the Children $105k raised

    This guy raised 105,000 dollars for the save the children charity. He's a role model to me and I believe that this community is fucking amazing, when not angered/agitated. This is insane, and I wish that there were more people like this in the world.
  19. CrackaLackNinja

    [League of Legends] When Things Go Right 2.0

    Fuck this game. Lol. So many windows open!
  20. CrackaLackNinja

    [League of Legends] When Things Go Right 2.0

    Swage. Laik swag with an e. >:D

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