Bots?!?! Please add them

Just like the title says, it kinda annoys me that there is 0 bots in this game, couldnt you just take the bots from tf2? This is a big problem for me, because the game has 7 servers overall, and NOONE of them are in europe
The [Haven] servers are based in Germany.

Bots cant just be ripped either. Its a hell of a lot of work. If it was that easy we would have ages ago.
TF2C Bots busted for now

Commands that started with "bot_" are pretty much useless.

Bots don't know what are you (enemy? ally?)
why is the bot suppose to be alive (the bot's objectives) and respawned (if you kill it) albeit if they can think (and attack you) lol
Not only is what TruboXL said correct, but I assure you that none of TF2C's maps have navmeshes. The bots won't know where to go!
You can make them yourself with Hammer, but I advise for you to wait 'till the team includes their own.

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