[The Elder Scrolls] Skyrim Shout Word Locations

SoL DarkLord

Tabletop GM
Animal Allegiance
- Inside Angarvunde in The Rift
- Inside Dragon's lair in Ancient's Ascent
- During Glory of the Dead, you'll find it in Ysgramor's Tomb.

Aura Whisper
- Inside Volunruud in The Reach, where you encounter a Dragon Priest.
- At a Dragon's lair at Northwind Summit.
- In Volunruud during The Silence Has Been Broken Dark Brotherhood quest.

Become Ethereal
- Inside Ustengrav from The Horn of Jurgen Windcaller
- Above the Lost Valley Redoubt
- End of Ironbind Barrow in Winterhold Hold

Call Dragon
-After the main quest, you can still summon Odahviing outdoors, but you need to utter all three words.

Call of Valor
-Call of Valor is automatically learned during the main quest.

Clear Skies
- Clear Skies is learned during the main quest The Throat Of The World.

- Silverdrift Lair
- There's a Dragon's lair at Eldersblood Peak.
- Speaking With Silence (a Thieves' Guild quest) takes you to Snow Veil Sanctum.

Dismaying Shout
- Lost Tongue Overlook, where you'll encounter a Dragon.
- Pieces of the Past takes you to Dead Crone Rock.
- Shalidor's Maze in Hjaalmarch.

Dragonrend is automatically learned during the main quest Alduin's Bane.

Elemental Fury
- Shriek Bastion
- Dragontooth Crater
- In The Break of Dawn, in the Kilkreath Ruins

Fire Breath
- Dustman's Cairne during The Companions quest Proving Honor
- Sunderstone Gorge
- Found in The Throat Of The World

Frost Breath
- Skyborn Altar during a Miscellaneous quest.
- Folgunthur in Hyjaalmarch. Requires the side quest Forbidden Legends
- Bonestrewn Crest (dragon lair) in Eastmarch.

Ice Form
- Saarthal near the end of Under Saarthal
- Mount Anthor
- Frostmere Crypt

Kyne's Peace
- Shroud Hearth Barrow in Ivarstead during/after the Investigate the Haunting Miscellaneous Task.
- End of Ragnvald
- Rannveig's Fast

Marked for Death
- In The Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary
- In Forsaken Crypt
- Autumnwatch Tower

Slow Time
- The Jagged Crown quest in Korvanjund, behind the throne at the end.
- Hag's End
- The Staff of Magnus takes you to a Dragon Priest lair.

Storm Call
- High Gate Ruins while following a lead given to you by courier.
- During The World-Eater's Eyrie, you'll be taken to Skuldafn.
- Forelhost in The Rift.

Throw Voice
- You learn all three Words at Shearpoint, where you fight both a Dragon and a Dragon Priest.

Unrelenting Force
- Bleak Falls Temple during The Golden Claw or Dragon Rising
- Learned from Greybeards in High Hrothgar during The Way Of The Voice main questline
- Learned from Greybeard after finding the Horn of Jurgen Windcaller.

Whirlwind Sprint
- Learned from Greybeards in High Hrothgar during The Horn Of Jurgen Windcaller
- End of Volskygge (you can scale the mountain to avoid going throught the dungeon).
- Dead Men's Respite in Tending the Flames

From Dawnguard DLC

-From Dunehvir

Soul Tear
-Summon Dunehvir 3 times

Drain Vitality
-Dimhollow Crypt
-Forgotten Vale on Frozen lake
-Arcwind Point (South of Ivarstead, east of Riften)

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