[Completed] Sol Darklord - Requesting To Rejoin Adminship

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SoL DarkLord

Tabletop GM
In Game Name: SoL DarkLord
HLStats Link: http://www.vaultf4.com/hlstats/hlstats.php?mode=playerinfo&player=9468
Time with Vault F4: Since May 2010 because I became an admin for FFN in August 2010
Reason you want to be admin/Moderator: Well since I finally have a computer that can handle source again, and I still love Vault F4, and what not, I'd love to return to helping the community with more then just a monthly fee.

I understand that by creating this thread and signing my name, that I am applying to Volunteer my time with Vault F4 in either a Moderator or Game Administrator role. As a Moderator I would be in charge of content creation, and post moderation of my section of the forums. As a Game Server admin I would be responsible for keeping the game servers a fun enviroment. I will spend atleast an hour of my time each week on the servers to retain my position as a Gameserver admin with Vault F4, and if I do not meet the requirement my admin status will be revoked.

Signed: SoL DarkLord
Hello SoL, your application is being processed and you will hear back in a weeks time. :)
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