[League of Legends] When Things Go Right 2.0

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Aram I was feared and it was 4v5 the yi was not there all game but the end. xD
penta yay first time with sivir and in ranked as well :3

nothing was going our way we never had baron or dragon and our inhibs where down for the last 15 min then they all tried to push bottom and we killed them right before baron was up so we got baron waited in mid killed them again and i got my penta and then me and lee sin we pushed mid lane from the first tower all up to nexus in under 40 seconds and god that was a great turn around as our leona kept feeding at the start and everyone was just out of position the whole time but in the end the announcer she just kept saying "your team has destroyed a tower" time after time till we won and i think they got annoyed in the end :p

look penta :3

talon mid, amumu dc, mao support, lee sin adc, singed top seems to work pretty well :p

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