[Minecraft] Feed The Vault Whitelist Rules and Applications

Hey me and a couple friends would love to join IGN:BALLZ52 IGN:hunterpendry IGN:XxDaAsianxX
Your friends will need to register and create their own whitelist requests; the reasons for this have been mentioned earlier in this thread.
Ok I'm back, fresh server to boot, though I know I'm late to the party :(

Whitlelist me please: Teslatitan

Oh and if I can get him to register, svvifty has my vouch, like last time
Vouching for ZooKeeper18. She is boss :D
also if you could add her to my plot that would be awesome

Hello. i heard u guys have an amazing server with NO PvP unless mutual agreements are said upon XD

My IGN:qwekefka

Really looking forward to being accepted on the Whitelist.

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