Missing data for object 'OBJ_DISPENSER' in scripts/objects.txt

So I wanted to give this a go a while back, and I ran into some hiccups. I tried again recently, and got it to work, but it needed an update, which I did. now it crashes after the opening cutscene. If I skip, it simply crashes, but if I let it sit, it gives me a error message, which is displayed in the title. I checked the file it mentioned, and I don't see anything out of place. any of you know what's up?

Here's what it said.
ClassName obj_dispenser
StatusName "#TF_Object_Dispenser"
BuildTime 20
MaxObjects 1
Cost 100
CostMultiplier 1
UpgradeCost 0
MaxUpgradeLevel 0
BuilderWeaponName "Dispenser"
BuilderPlacementString "Place on ground"
SelectionSlot 3
SelectionPosition 1
SapperAttachTime 0.0
IconActive obj_dispenser
IconInactive obj_dispenser

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