Shoutbox Archive Thread (slow Load - Long Posts)

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I'm good for PF but wouldn't mind if we break a little early today, say 9-ish
If you are who I think you are it's only for 24h as a first-time warning
hey yo so last map on 5cp i forget the name, someone named superboykisser attempted to join, but was sent out with a ban message. 30 minutes later the same name comes back but with pronouns attached, so gonna flag this one as a very possible ban evasion
if I drop or don't show it's because I lost power
mfw someone in the TF2C discord talks about how they're installing footsteps sound mods so they can hear spies after I explicitly tell them that doing so is a perm ban and that I am a staff member
depends on what's enforced by the various levels of sv_pure
Happy holidays everyone! Hope you all get to spend time with the people important to you!
i swear i posted a thread earlier. did it get deleted or something
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