[Minecraft] Introducing Feed The Vault {Feed The Beast}

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Thx so much :D I'll get settled then start recording :)
Awesome. If you have a twitch.tv account do let us know the username and we can add it to the 'member livestreams' area of the site :)
I'd like to be whitelisted :D
Your minecraft username is?

I'd assume it's the same as your forum username but please state it explicitly so there's no chance of confusion. Thanks ;)
I would like to join!


Going to start a YT series.. Need a good place to start :D

YT channel is /o6sense (Legit partnership.. About to make myself a BG and start posting vids :D )

My last channel was /teh6s I made the BG myself..
Whitelisting is currently suspended until further notice pending new rules for the FTB server. We will post a new thread at this time.
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