ban appeal

  1. Vivian

    [Resolved] Ban Appeal

    In-Game name (Current): yes (wo)man In-Game name (When banned): vriska Time of Ban: 21:53 Date of Ban: 07-25-21 Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:507630807 Reason for Ban: Previously banned, Ban Evasion Steam Profile: https: Additional Comments: While checking VaultF4's TF2...
  2. weednosemlg

    [Resolved] Ban appeal. (sorry if wrong place I really don't understand website that well)

    In-Game name: LS Stewie Garrison Time of Ban: 19:43 Date of Ban: 08-11-21 Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:427384082 Reason for Ban: General douchebaggery, a history of, or several rule violations Additional Comments: Hello to any admin that will find this. I must say that recently I haven't been having that...
  3. F10 to defuse

    [Resolved] Banned for "avoiding gag" when admin just has a personal issue with me

    Last ban was 2 days, this one is one week. Admin gagged me for "ur mom" jokes which would be fine if she didn't try insulting me first, after I got back from my last ban. I didn't realize vaultf4 was so intensely fixated on PC culture since the motd doesn't show rules for me and I didn't think...

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