[Minecraft] Vaulttekkit Whitelist

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VF4-S (Server Operator)
Staff Member
All information and rules regarding the Tekkit server can be found here

Breaking the rules of VaultTekkit MAY result in a ban depending upon the offense. For example: Griefing and committing other grief-like actions are considered bannable offenses and will be acted upon accordingly.

To apply for whitelist access, please post you IGN here, along with the following:

"I have read the rules,understand the potential punishment and would like to be whitelisted for the VaultTekkit Server."

New!! Check out the VaultF4 Tekkit Store, buy items for real money to help you get a jump start in this advanced world. Also purchase more land :) https://vaultf4.buycraft.net/

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I have read the rules,understand the potential punishment and would like to be whitelisted for the VaultTekkit Server!
I have read the rules,understand the potential punishment and would like to be whitelisted for the VaultTekkit Server.
I guess now would be the time to mention that if you were previously whitelisted on FragTekkit, the whitelist DID carry over :)
I have read the rules,understand the potential punishment and would like to be whitelisted for the VaultTekkit Server.

I have read the rules,understand the potential punishment and would like to be whitelisted for the VaultTekkit Server
I have read the rules,understand the potential punishment and would like to be whitelisted for the VaultTekkit Server

I have read the rules,understand the potential punishment and would like to be whitelisted for the VaultTekkit Server

It would appear you were already previously whitelisted...but Welcome to VaultTekkit! :D
(thats two "v"s not a "w" :)
I have read the rules,understand the potential punishment and would like to be whitelisted for the VaultTekkit Server
(thats two "v"s not a "w" :)
I have read the rules,understand the potential punishment and would like to be whitelisted for the VaultTekkit Server
Done! Welcome to VaultTekkit! :D
I have read the rules,understand the potential punishment and would like to be whitelisted for the VaultTekkit Server.
I have read the rules,understand the potential punishment and would like to be whitelisted for the VaultTekkit Server.


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